The NEW AMERICAN WORKPLACE, where we gather in service to the highest good of ourselves, our families, our communities and all life on the planet. -AkilahtZuberi Advocate for tThe New Earch Consciousness

It seems like ages since I’ve sat down and created the items for the blog. I have been engaged in so many conversations over the last month about work, business, the separation, the shift in consciousness and creating a new narrative about life on this planet. It seems to me that a lot of people want a change; all of us are, in some very deep, heart-felt way, dissatisfied with how things are unfolding on this planet. It’s not only in the U.S., but it’s all over the world: conflict and discord in our relationships with each other, between nations, compounded by climate change, economic crises, national security, sickness, disease.

But the one thing that I notice when I am engaged in a conversation about what’s wrong and what should be our course of action is that almost everybody believes that the current system of beliefs that we structure our lives around simply requires some tweaking here and there. The idea of creating a new narrative about what it means to live on this planet is not on a lot of bucket lists, as far as I can tell.

We are reluctant to step outside the box, maybe because we don’t know that we are in a box. But we are. We still think that politicians are the source or the remedy to our issues. If we could just get the right people in the White House, then most of our problems would be solved, at least until the next election.

We still believe that if we work hard, put our nose to grind, put in just a little more effort, the American dream is possible. We still believe that if we can somehow hold the folks who own the majority of the world’s wealth and who manage, poorly I might add, the world’s dwindling resources accountable, and for what I don’t know, then we might have a chance of surviving the issues that seem to be exponentially increasing, not by the day, but by the hour.

My point is, conditions are not going to get better, and the current system, the one that is based upon our most cherished beliefs, 100% of which are false, will continue to choke and gasp for air and finally, praise the gods, collapse.

But what is getting better, and what is shifting is us. Little do we know that the reason for the acceleration of the collapse of the system is the acceleration of our desire to create life anew, for ourselves, our families, our communities, our nation and planet.

With this growing awareness of our power as creators, the collapse of the old system comes as a relief to many of us. We about the business of writing a new narrative, a new story, as Charles Eisenstein would say. This new narrative includes a new vision of work, or a vision that does not include work at all, but service.

And that’s what I share: a vision of a transformed American workplace where we no longer work for a living. We create life. We create and ensure the well-being of all life on the planet. There are a few of us who have begun visioning the new narrative, and we don’t have all the answers; we don’t know the specifics or the details.

We know for certain, however, that the desire to begin anew is evidence that the way will be revealed, always in time and in divine order.

The guidelines for taking the 30-Day Workplace Challenge are listed below. When I started doing the Challenge, I had no idea it would be as effective as it has been in my experience. I cannot begin to tell you how my experience has shifted, expanded, and grown more joyful. I am making art like crazy, and I have so many ideas that I cannot wait to share about the shift in consciousness and transforming how we work and play.