About Akilah
I was born in Cincinnati, Ohio to Margaret Smith and Raymond Teague. My mother was born in Covington, Georgia, my father in Paducah, Kentucky. My father was an only child and my mother one of 22. I am one of 7, the mother of 4, grandmother of 9, and great-grandmother of 2 that I have not had the pleasure to meet.
My morning is devoted to a few activities: yoga, meditation, dhikr and reading. They are indispensable and without them, I pretty much cannot function during the day. I mean that literally.
Anyone who knows me knows that I am a fall/winter spirit. I do not care very much for the heat and humidity. I can tolerate the low temperatures of winter, so long as it doesn’t dip below 25 degrees, get too icy, the snow, too deep. I accept and tolerate the heat and humidity of summer because of gardening. After some years of trial and error, I have concluded that I am a green grower: greens, lettuces and herbs, medicinal and culinary.
While there are berries, a few tomatoes and cucumbers in my vegetable garden, I haven’t quite been able to abandon trips to the produce market in the summer. I’m quite skilled at designing ornamental gardens but should not be entrusted with the care of smoke bush (Cotinus Coggygria), all of which have perished under my care in the last 15 years. You could say that I’m still a bit of a novice.

Having some extra time to contend with during the quarantine months of 2020, I decided to teach myself how to draw and paint. It is a part of my art practice that includes fiber art, stain glass, mosaic tile and bead work. I knit, I crochet, I embroider.
My writing focuses on some aspect or another of the creation of a New Earth Narrative. I began with a singular focus on the American workplace and extended those ideas to a new story about art and the environment. Since I am an avid reader, I include a small section on my blog about what I am normally reading at the time. There are poems that I come across that I occasionally like to share.
Most of what I write, how I see the world, and to a certain extent how I choose to spend my energy, is inspired by my study of A Course in Miracles and A Course of Love. The ideas shared about the creation of a New Earth Narrative are based on my relationship with ACOL and its call to the creation of the New. And honestly, after 2020, what I call the year of stark revelations, I cannot fathom why anyone would not want to bring this disorder to a close.
I am grateful for having the opportunity to live on this planet during the unraveling of the old narrative. I am blessed beyond measure to be a creative contributor to the New and a devotee to the disruption and the dismantling of a regime that has been nothing short of a scourge on this planet.
May 24, 2021
Philadelphia Pennsylvania