“I have learned not to worry about love, but to honor it with all my heart.” Alice Walker (b. 1944) is an American novelist, short story writer, poet and activist. She wrote the critically acclaimed novel The Color Purple for which she won the National Book Award and the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction. Click here …
Video: Chi-Raq (2015) – Spike Lee – Official Trailer
From YouTube user ScreenSlam Trailer of Chi-raq, a contemporary take on the relationship between sex and violence.
thegaurdian.com: Oil Spill in the Peruvian Amazon
Click here to read the article by at theguardian.com. Photo credit: Steve Bloom Images / Alamy
Channelers & Channeling
Let’s face it: Channeling is something that we all do. It’s only when we receive a message that is out of alignment with the norm do we question the source, the receiver and the nature of the information. The majority of us are tuned in and open to receiving messages from popular media outlets, let’s …
The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible, by Charles Eisensteen
“How to choose? What will you believe, given how easily reason, logic, and evidence are conscripted to the service of a story? Here is an alternative: Choose the story that best embodies who you really are, who you wish to be, and who you are in fact becoming.” ~Charles Eisenstein, from The More Beautiful …