The Disengaging of the Engaged

The Disengaging of the Engaged
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I read an article from Harvard Business Review, my go to place when I want to know what’s hot in workplace research. Their research articles on the workplace are frequently a reaction to the results of an annual survey, “The State of the American Workplace,” conducted by Gallup.    Interesting how even with the continued …

Poetry – Book Reviews – Movie Recommendations & Previews

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This edition’s poetry selection is from Rumi’s Little Book of Life- the Garden of the Soul, the Heart, and the Spirit, translated by Maryam Mafi and Azima Melita Kolin. The book review is that of The Natural Alien, by Neil Evernden. The YouTube link is to the trailer of The Fantastic Woman. Poetry “Give up …

The Call to Create – summer edition, 2018

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In April, 2014, shocking details emerged about the political corruption that led to Flint’s water crisis. A small city, but always a big news’ headline, Flint, Michigan is considered one of the most violent cities in the U.S. But in this spirited, photographic essay, Laurie Thompson reveals the Flint that embraces its past and present, …

The Call, Rap & Realtalk about the belief in working hard and earning a living- Summer, June 2018 edition

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In Our Best Interest I just finished one of those eye-opening books, Neil Evernden’s The Natural Alien, whose review you can find in Stewardship-of Earth and Home. Similar to the reading of The Myth of Human Supremacy, by Derrick Jensen, the information stirred up some strong emotions. Both books were startling reminders that the human …

The Return to Divine Stewardship (or something like it), summer edition 2018

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Review: The Natural Alien: Human and Environment, 2nd edition by Neil Evernden “This is the book that started me on my career as an environmental writer/philosopher.” Derrick Jensen   In the preface to the second edition, Evernden wastes few words and delves straight into the essence of our environmental crisis: “We must begin, however, with …