New Age, Self-Help and Transforming the American Workplace

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When I am questioned about my ideas on transforming the American workplace, the words, “that sounds so new age,” always find their way into the conversation. A lot of the reactions to these new ideas about how we can work and play differently on this planet are a result of that stubborn, but doomed, belief …

The Creation of the New & the Transformation of the Belief in Working Hard and Earning a Living

philadelphia subway Pin it

Figure 2 (above). Subway scene, Philadelphia, Pa. Notice that most people are on their cell phones. Over the next 2-3 months, I will be designing and creating an expanded blog that integrates the ideas from the Transforming the American Workplace blog, the Innerworld Press Shift in Consciousness Ezine, and a blog that I haven’t had …

The New Belief and Transforming the American Workplace

Applauding People Pin it

Often I am asked how the separation has anything to do with the workplace: how is the separation responsible for workplace misery? And do I really think that employees, not to mention business owners, will buy into such a “new age” idea as creating a workplace that operates for the highest good of all life …

Calling, Desire & Transforming the American Workplace

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I admit that it used to annoy me, to be asked to explain how it is that I advocate for a transformation in the American workplace, when I don’t have a “job.” A new acquaintance took the questioning a bit farther when I replied that, “No. I don’t have a job. I create life.” The …

Accepting Power & Transforming the American Workplace

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It always happens that as I near the end of some grand unlearning venture, I receive what I have determined to be the next step in sealing the door shut on the separation experience. My taking of A Course of Love has come to an end. Undoubtedly, there will be occasions when I pick it …